I’m currently 6+ months pregnant and am a mama of a recently turned 1 year old! I’ve heard a few mamas “warn” me about the arduous work that comes with being a mom of two babies. Though I know in the first few weeks, it may be tiring (especially since I’m planning to breastfeed again!) but I believe that it will be easier than expected. From my first pregnancy to now, I have been using 2 secret weapons that I’ve learned through my pastor: Prayer and Declaration.
- PRAYER. In my first pregnancy, I learned to place my trust in God COMPLETELY. The thought of being a first-time mom scared me probably like most women. Even thinking of the whole pregnancy and then the delivery filled my heart with fear. It was then that I began to pray for my pregnancy and delivery. God began to remove fears I had and many of these fears came from things I read in the past, movies, and other women’s experience. Most of it was negative. Through prayer, God removed my fear and I was able to have a peace and assurance that I would have an amazing pregnancy and motherhood experience.
- DECLARATION. The power of our words can make us or break us. I wrote down exactly how I wanted my delivery to be, and began praying and declaring day and night! Every night I would pray over my pregnant belly declaring positive things. Mostly everything I declared became a reality! I learned not to use negative words like exhausted, I can’t, etc. etc. Of course in the beginning I was tired, but new moms seem to have an innate supernatural energy that wakes us every 2-3 hours to feed our babies. And I did this with joy in my heart.
And now in this second pregnancy, I am practicing the same two principles of prayer and declaration. Though some may say, “What are you going to do with your Irish twins? – I simply have a peace in my heart because I have an assurance that God will guide me to be the best mom and manage my time wisely. Plus, my firstborn, Caleb, is such a good baby boy and when his baby sister comes, he will be the best, obedient big brother. And I have my husband’s unconditional love and support and we have a great supporting family.
Take a look at our day in sunny South Florida (Maternity dress by ShopPinkBlush.com):

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