Most women I have encountered are not as cheerful in their third trimester. They are already anxious to have their baby in their arms. And although it is beautiful to want to meet your baby, enjoying your pregnancy to the last drop makes days go by smoother and appear quicker. So why are most women not as happy? Here are a some reasons why.
Below are a few truths that will (or may) occur in your third trimester of pregnancy. You will:
- Be heavier! Duh! You are carrying a little human inside of you, and in your third trimester, this little human gains a couple of pounds. If you were average weight pre-pregnancy, doctors recommend a 25 – 35 lbs.* weight gain for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
- Have to pee. A lot! The baby’s head is mostly likely pressing against your bladder, so several trips to the restroom will be inevitable. In fact, you may feel the need to pee every 20 mins. or in my case, every time I stand up or walk. LOL!
- You may get stretch marks. In my first pregnancy, my skin irritated in the last 3 weeks before the baby came and that is when I noticed red marks that looked like scratches around my lower belly. Though I used oils day and night, they still appeared because the baby was growing rapidly.
- Feel more tired or slow. Of course the added weight will cause you to slow down a bit. I felt myself walking a little slower than my usual pace.
- Have certain impediments such as bending down.
- Feel like it is virtually impossible to do simple tasks you easily did before on your own like put on your shoes and underwear.
- Hate your bra (or at least I do!) because your waistline is expanding.
- Most likely feel full all the time because there is practically no room for your stomach to expand after a meal since the baby is using up most of the space!
- Most likely be frequently hungry because you quickly feel full and are eating smaller portions.
Now that we got that out of the way, here are a few ways to look on the bright side and truly experience JOY in your third trimester:
- Embrace your pregnancy! DON’T SPEAK NEGATIVELY. The Word of God says, “Be anxious for nothing,” (Phil. 4.6). Yes, you may experience the above and more, but try not to let it get the best of you. Do no utter complaints nor be a Negative Nancy! I experienced all of the above in my first pregnancy and now in my second pregnancy. All women undergo several changes, so learn how to embrace your bump and know that time flies and soon you will have a bundle of joy in your arms. When you learn to embrace your belly, you will see things in a new light and realize the miracle of conceiving and carrying a healthy baby in your womb.
- Don’t eat for 2! People often misconstrue eating for 2 as eating twice as much! Boy, oh boy, are they wrong! If you were average weight pre-pregnancy, most doctors recommend eating only 500 more calories** in your third trimester. Sometimes we can misinterpret thirst for hunger, so stay hydrated and drink plenty of water regardless the number of times you will use the restroom. Eat smaller portions as well and try to maintain a healthy balanced food intake. That does not mean you should deprive yourself from cravings here and there. You can definitely indulge in a piece of cake if you are at a birthday party, etc. but consider portion control.
- Be active. If you are a working pregnant mom, work keeps you active. If you are a stay-at-home mom, house chores are quite the workout! And if you are a toddler mom or have other children running around in the house, you will most likely be active. Even taking a walk around the block helps not just physically but mentally. (Side note: This is for women with a low-risk pregnancy. If your doctor has considered your pregnancy a high-risk, please adhere to your doctors recommendations)
- Sleep well and try to rest. Several women do not sleep well because of discomfort in their third trimester. Do whatever you have to in order to get a goodnight’s sleep, whether it means buying a body pillow, or sleeping in a certain position, do it! I highly recommend using the restroom before going to bed to prevent waking up in the middle of the night and try not to drink liquids half hour before going to bed.
- Pray daily. This is my number one principle that has changed the way I view pregnancy and motherhood. Through prayer, I’ve learned to overcome doubt, fear, worry, etc. and have also envisioned it as the most wonderful experience as opposed to what society makes it seem. God has answered my prayers of having a healthy and happy pregnancy and motherhood experience. I encourage you to try it and you will see amazing results in your life!
I practice this daily lifestyle and through it I have maintained a joy throughout my entire pregnancy! Though I can’t wait to hold my princess in my arms, I enjoy feeling her kicks and embrace being pregnant with her to the last drop because it is a supernatural experience that goes by fairly quickly. I hope you see your third trimester in a new light and become the most joyful pregnant woman!
Check out a few photos from this past weekend with my big baby boy and the princess growing inside! (Emerald Green Maternity dress by ShopPinkBlush.com):
*https://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/healthy-weight-gain#1 **https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/calories-diet/
Dress BOGO! Starts 10/19 @ 12 AM EST, Ends 10/21 @ 11:59 PM EST