Day 28 Challenge:
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Call my mom (or a mother I admire) to express what she means to me
One of the regrets people have when their loved one passes away is: I wish I would have told him or her what they meant to me, etc. Perhaps your mother was the best mom or on the contrary, she may not have been, but we are commanded to honor our mother. To honor her doesn’t mean only when she is a great mom; it means regardless of whether she was good or not-so-good. As a mother, you’ve come to the realization that a perfect mom does not exist. Take the chance today to call the woman who gave you life and raised you, the woman who marked your heart and life one way or another, and tell her what she means to you. She will appreciate it and you will also!
Day 28 Verse "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you." - Exodus 20:12 NKJV