Day 31 Challenge:
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WRITE: “I am the mom my child(ren): [INSERT THEIR NAME(S)] needs, therefore I strive to be better than yesterday.”
Congratulations on completing the 31 Day Mom Challenge! Give yourself a pat on the back for deciding to take this month long journey with me and fellow mamas. I pray you have rediscovered the joy of motherhood while embracing self-love with God’s guidance. Remember, you transmit what you are to your child. You were chosen to be your child(ren)’s mother and no one can do it better than you, therefore, strive to be better everyday. There is always room to grow, evolve, and become better than yesterday’s version of you! Be mindful of your words and be determined to speak words of life that edify, motivate, & comfort. Ask God to help you give your best for your family. Remember to put your phone down when spending time with your child(ren). I hope that these 31 challenges had a tiny impact on your day-to-day and that you may implement them daily, weekly, or monthly. And because today is the 31st of May, it’s only suiting that we end with a promise from Proverbs 31: Many [mothers] do noble things, but YOU surpass them all!
Day 31 Verse "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." - Proverbs 31:29 NIV