Day 4 Challenge:
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Focus on my words
Oh the power of our words! If only we truly understood the profound impact our words have on our little ones. We will reap everything we confess. If we speak negatively toward our children – even common, “harmless” sayings like: “terrible twos”, “little monster” or saying things like, “they’re driving me nuts!”, then what do you think the outcome will be? We will get exactly what we speak over our children. We are our children’s main influence and authority and they will begin mirroring what we say they are.
Today, focus on every phrase and word that comes out of your mouth, particularly in moments that you feel overwhelmed, upset, frustrated, etc. Before uttering anything, take deep breathes, count to 10, and say a flash prayer if you must, then proceed in handling the situation. Remember, there is always room to improve! Make an effort to be careful with your words, especially when addressing your child(ren).
Day 4 Verse "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers" - Ephesians 4:29