Day 9 Challenge:
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Wake up 1-2 hours before the kiddo(s)
I used to consider myself a night owl until I became a mother and suddenly, I did not have as much energy at night as before! I had to reevaluate my schedule and change my routine. I learned that by rising a few hours before the kids, I am able to be more productive and take care of myself as well. Once the kids are up, I am energized and ready to give them my full attention while not feeling tired. Of course, this means adjusting your bedtime to an earlier time. If you go to sleep early, you’ll rise early. I stopped telling myself that I am not a morning person and began declaring the opposite – lo’ and behold, I am now a morning person! If you find it difficult, adjust your alarm to 15 mins. earlier than the usual, then the following week add 15 more mins. and so forth, until you reach 1 to 2 hours. You will be surprised at the amount of things you are able to accomplish when you wake up before your kid(s).
Day 9 Verse "She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work..." - Proverbs 31:15