Today I cried. At 3+ months postpartum, I’m feeling like Regina George because sweatpants are all that fit me right now! This is my second baby in under 15 months and I guess it is taking a little longer for my body to recover after 2 c-sections. I am learning to accept it, although I try to fit into my pre-pregnancy ultra skinny jeans once a week and I get a little sad when they don’t fit. And yes, it is a little frustrating sometimes to look at myself in the mirror and see a wide waist that once was 24 inches and see flabby skin with stretch marks across my lower abs.
I cried, not because I feel ugly or overweight, I cried because it can be discouraging when you don’t fit into clothes that once did. But Dear C-Section Mama: It is OK to cry! At least for a minute, let it OUT. Because unlike many women I’ve heard of that fit into their jeans right after their natural birth, we simply won’t be able to fit into our jeans for a couple of weeks AND that is OK.
Why? Because a c-section is a surgery that leaves you swollen for a couple of weeks or months. It takes us mamas longer to recover our body because our bodies take a moment to realize that there is no longer a baby inside. Yes, you may be sore for a couple of weeks but this too shall pass! And THANK the LORD for c-sections, because without it, I don’t think my firstborn son would be here.
So what can you do in the meantime instead of moping around? Embrace your superwoman body that hosted a tiny human for 9 months. View those stretch marks as a lovely reminder of growing a strong and healthy baby. However, if you feel like crying once in a while, it is OK, but then wipe your tears away, look in that mirror and say THANK YOU belly for bringing me the joy of mamahood!
Before we know it, you and I will fit into those skinny jeans. Until then, rock dresses, yoga pants (typical #momlifer), cool mom tees, etc. But best of all, don’t forget to rock a big ol’ smile, that shows off your pearly whites because being a mom is the most rewarding unpaid job title this world has to offer.
Below are photos from a Sunday after church with my big “baby”, Caleb Beau. Special thanks to my husband for making me feel like the sexiest woman alive in all of my phases and big thanks to Pink Blush for making me feel lovely in all their clothes in every stage of motherhood! (Black Dress by ShopPinkBlush.com)
Disclosure: I have been gifted clothes by PinkBlush as part of being a brand ambassador. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.