Day 16 Challenge:
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A day without RAISING MY VOICE at my child(ren)
Yelling at child(ren) has zero positive effects, on the contrary, when done frequently, it has several psychological long term effects like low self-esteem, depression, and more. Some Hispanic households tend to normalize yelling because it may be part of the culture to raise your voice to get a point across, however, raising your tone of voice to someone is disrespectful. No adult likes to be yelled at and definitely no child does neither. It may be difficult to hold your composure at times when your child is acting out, but it’s important as a parent not to lose your temper and refrain from yelling. Yelling stirs the pot and makes matters worse. I’ve made a determination to make my home a Yelling-Free zone, and when I fail, I apologize to my kids for yelling at them. Today, make the same determination and see how it makes a difference in your life and your child(ren)’s life.
Day 16 Verse "A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare." - Proverbs 15:1 NLT