Over 2 weeks ago, (before the Shelter-in-place order in South FL) we received the results of our 4th baby’s gender and were able to do a tiny gender reveal with our parents and 2 of our siblings. In the midst of everything happening in the world, we were able to share our joy with our loved ones via FaceTime and Skype (thank God for technology!). And now we are able to share it with you all – thank you for all your love and support. Watch below what our 4th bundle of joy will be:
Gender Reveal: Baby No. 3 Is A…
We are almost at the halfway mark and finally did our gender ultrasound for our third baby on the way! This past Sunday we decided to go with the “black balloon filled with confetti” reveal (which is inexpensive and practical). We asked our ultrasound tech to hand us the results in a sealed envelope and my husband and I had no clue what was inside. We then took it to a party store and told the cashier to please re-seal the results so that upon pickup, we will not see them until our gender reveal gathering.
I was “team blue” (Caleb’s little friend) but my husband was “team girl”. However, quite frankly we would have been happy with either sex. Finally, the time had come to find out in front of our loved ones. We did a 10 second countdown and POP! PINK CONFETTI EVERYWHERE! I was shocked because I thought my symptoms were similar to when I was pregnant with Caleb. And we shouted and jumped for joy! What an honor to welcome our second princess! Baby girls barely run in our family, which is why we can’t wait to spoil this bundle of joy! Having a sister is the sweetest of gifts – my sisters and I are best friends and I can’t imagine life without them. I am so grateful Olivia gets to share her life with a sister who will be so close in age. And Caleb now has his hands full with his 2 baby sisters to protect and love.
Thank you to our dear loved ones who share our joy! Special thanks to Dinorah from Hello Baby Ultrasound – the first mobile ultrasound service in Miami who was able to come to our home for a personal sonogram experience. Below are a few photos and video from our gender reveal.