(Haz click para Español) Being pregnant for the first time can come with a lot of surprises, whether sweet or downright scary, because everything is new! Things will continue to change when the baby arrives. Life will NEVER be the same – though in a good way! There are quite a few things I wish I knew my first time around that would have made the transition of becoming a new mom smoother.
- Motherhood is selfless. It’s a simple yet raw truth unfamiliar to us until we become mothers. It comes as a shock for new moms when we discover that there’s a tiny human being that solely depends on us and we are to take care of for the rest of our lives. I had no clue a newborn needs to eat every 2-3 hours and although they nap most of the time in the beginning, they constantly eat and poop several times a day. They become our primary concern and their well-being suddenly becomes the most important part of our lives. Simple things like taking long showers, heading to the salon, going out alone, etc. are things we may no longer be able to do at first. Denying ourselves and putting the baby first quickly becomes our new normal. But this is not our forever. The first weeks as a new mom can be exhausting but it helps to accept that we live for someone else too! That does not mean we have to always put the baby first, but there will be times where we find ourselves doing it. And that’s alright, until you adapt to your new life as a mommy.
- Go easy on yourself and your body. Carrying a baby for 9 months is unbelievable. Our bodies go through so much during pregnancy, labor, and birth. You may get stretch marks, have extra skin and weight, feel flabby all around. Once my firstborn arrived via C-section, I thought I would fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans straight out of the hospital but boy was I wrong! I wanted to do things on my own but found myself in pain from the surgery and was still swollen and recovering 3-4 weeks after. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I understood that I had to go easy on my body, and the 2nd and 3rd time around I did just that.
- Buy in bulk. If you have a baby shower, chances are you will get most of what you need. However, there are some things you will need to buy often because they are used daily and/or are disposable. After having 3 babies back-to-back in under 3 years, my husband and I have learned to buy in bulk. Trust me, you’ll save a pretty penny! Diapers, wipes, baby soap, etc. are things you can buy in bulk at big stores like Costco. At Costco, you’ll find exclusive offers for Huggies Plus diapers. Through 9/29 you can get them for $9 off! We are currently using Huggies Little Snuggles Plus diapers on our 3rd baby, Darla River, because its trusted 3-in-1 Comfort and outstanding protection.
- Visit http://bit.ly/2kgmxwU to shop Huggies diapers online and have the convenience of not even having to go into the store.
- Accept help. I had a huge struggle with accepting help from my loved ones. Our loved ones offered to cook for us, wash our clothes, etc. It took me a few days to acknowledge that I needed help. Accepting it does not make you vulnerable or powerless. It takes time to adapt to having a new baby around and having an extra hand in the kitchen, laundry, and for other chores helps mentally, physically, and emotionally. It reduces some of the stress and allows you to focus on your baby.
- No more [full night’s] sleep. I have no idea where the term, “sleep like a baby” comes from because in the beginning, newborns do not “sleep like a baby. “They wake up to eat every 2-3 hours. That was the most difficult part for me to learn as a new mom. I remember crying while breastfeeding my 4-week-old firstborn because I was irritable, my mind was tired, and I just wanted 1 night of uninterrupted sleep. As weeks passed, we figured out our new daily routine. The baby started to sleep longer periods and eventually after a few weeks, our baby finally slept through the night. For at least the first month, try to sleep when the baby sleeps. Your body will be tired and recovering. Even if you may feel great outwardly, your womb and other parts still need rest inwardly. And your mind needs to rest as well.
Although I had read a few books before my baby arrived, I discovered there are no perfect mothers nor perfect parenting guidebooks out there because everyone’s experience is different. In moments that you feel overwhelmed as a new mom, just remember, it may seem like forever, but the days go by quickly and soon you will adapt to it all. You will not be able to imagine life any other way because being a mommy is ultimately the most amazing experience and title we can ever hold.

Disclosure: This is a paid partnership post with Huggies and Costco. Although this is a partnership, all opinions in this blog remain my own and I was in no way influenced by either companies.