Over 2 weeks ago, (before the Shelter-in-place order in South FL) we received the results of our 4th baby’s gender and were able to do a tiny gender reveal with our parents and 2 of our siblings. In the midst of everything happening in the world, we were able to share our joy with our loved ones via FaceTime and Skype (thank God for technology!). And now we are able to share it with you all – thank you for all your love and support. Watch below what our 4th bundle of joy will be:
It’s A Girl!
We are having a baby girl! Our princess is due to arrive in less than 5 months and we couldn’t be any happier!
Here’s a little secret, I prayed for a baby girl a few months before I became pregnant. I was inspired after reading Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize who mentioned how she prayed for a girl or boy months prior to conceiving and God always answered her. In all honesty, I would have been happy with either a boy or girl, however, I am currently the “baby girl” of our family and I really felt like it is time to hand down my crown. So just like that, I prayed and a few months later we found out we are finally expecting a girl. We did a gender reveal party and I remember that week, I thanked God for whatever He was blessing us with (whether boy or girl) because all babies are a blessing. But God gave us exactly what I prayed for and God always gives us the best!
We can’t wait to see what it’s like to be parents of a girl! If you’re a parent of a girl, any tips or suggestions are highly appreciated.
Check out our gender reveal video and photos celebrating Caleb’s baby sister. (Maternity dress by ShopPinkBlush.com)