We are now on Day 3 of our #28DayLoveChallenge! [Español? Haz clic AQUI] As week 1 comes to a close, let’s reflect on what we focused on during this challenge. Below is the Self-Love Challenge; keep scrolling below for the Love Challenge (Married version).
Self-Love Challenge
Each Week 1 challenge of the 28 Day Self-Love Challenge requires your disposition. Daily you will uncover more about yourself as you draw closer to your Creator.
During these 28 Days have the determination to:
- Pray everyday
- Write daily in your journal
- Put your phone down when spending time with your loved ones
- Desire to see yourself the way God sees you and long to fall in love with God
Love Challenge (Married version)
Each Week 1 challenge of the 28 Day Love Challenge is effortless and simply requires your willingness to execute. More importantly, accompanied with each day’s challenge is a short reference to pray specifically for your husband covering him in different areas of his life. Here are the prayer references for each day:
Week 1 Prayer:
- Day 1: Pray for his WORK & FINANCES
- Day 2: Pray for his SEXUALITY & AFFECTION
- Day 3: Pray for his TEMPTATIONS
- Day 4: Pray for his MIND
During these 28 Days have the determination to:
- Pray for him everyday
- Say I love you everyday
- Put your phone down when he’s talking
- Be intentional about tending your garden of love & marriage
So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.
Ephesians 5:28