Day 9 Challenge:
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Implement the 5 MINUTE RULE
First of all, what is the 5 minute rule? Justin Bariso, author of EQ Applied defines it well: It works like this: You force yourself to work on a task for just five minutes, with the understanding that you can quit after five minutes if you like. With this new condition, the brain is “tricked” into now seeing your gargantuan task very differently. And once you start, you will most likely finish a task even if it takes you more than five minutes. The hard part is starting a task, but when you trick your brain into believing it’ll only take 5 minutes of your time, then the tasks seems doable. This rule can be applied to any given tasks, work-related, at-home, etc. Apply it on your everyday at-home tasks, such as cleaning, washing the dishes, picking up toys, etc. and you will see how much gets done sooner rather than later. This will decrease the stress of mess in your home as well as help you keep things tidy. I aim to do this throughout the day, however, more often at night once my kids are asleep. It is a game changer!
Day 9 Verse "She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness." - Proverbs 31:27 NKJV