One of the most underrated yet MOST NEEDED baby shower gifts for new parents is: [DRUM ROLLS!!!] DIAPERS! That’s right. Every parent-to-be needs diapers, though they may not realize it just yet, but when their newborn arrives, they will soon learn that they will probably go through 7-10 diapers a day! That’s why I get happy when I receive huge boxes of diapers at baby showers. IncrediBundles offers baby gifts for parents-to-be or new parents in bundle form. My favorite bundle is currently their Diaper Bundle.
(To give as a gift)
- Go the IncrediBundles.com and purchase a diaper subscription as a gift for an expectant mom or new parent (or you can buy a bundle for yourself)
- Subscription Length Options: 3 month supply, 6 month supply, 9 month supply, and 12 month supply
- You choose where you want the Welcome Gift Box sent to
- Gift Box includes: A premium teddy bear, the gift certificate with code, and a cute little caddy box
- All done!
(When you are gifted the diaper bundle)
- You receive the Welcome Box that includes your gift certificate with redemption code
- Go to IncrediBundles.com and click on the Redeem Diapers + Wipes tab
- Click Register Now and create an account with your information then hit Submit
- Once you create an account, click on My Account and then on the Diaper Subscription tab
- Enter your Activation code and Order number found on the gift certificate you received in the Welcome Box
- If you are ready to receive your first supply of diapers, click Manage
- Select diaper brand, type, and size and the address you want it sent to
- (Choose between Pampers, Huggies, Luvs, and Member’s Mark)
- Click Submit
- All done!
It is incredibly easy to buy and to order. It gets shipped right to your door (or the person you gifted it to). I really loved the smooth process and found their website user-friendly. That’s why we’ve partnered with IncrediBundles to gift one of you lucky readers a 3 month diaper supply! All you have to do to enter is head to my Instagram post HERE. And for a Bonus Entry, enter your email below. That’s it! Winner will be announced this Tuesday, July 24th, 2018 via email and on Instagram. We can’t wait to see who wins. Good luck!
Disclosure: I have been given the Welcome Box as part of a paid product review for IncrediBundles. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.