Dear Juan Felipe Raad,
It’s our 5 year wedding anniversary! A 5 year anniversary is traditionally symbolized by wood, which represents long-lasting strength, wisdom and forgiveness. Throughout these past 5 years, we have experienced that and more. It is said that by the 5th year of marriage, the couple has begun to develop strong, deep roots, like that of a tree, preparing them for a long-lasting relationship. So in other words, we are just getting started mi amor!
I don’t think neither of us ever imagined this beautiful life we built in such a short time span. When we said I do, we simply did it knowing that God will guide us the entire way and it has been so. We’ve realized that marriage takes work from both of us and a willingness to concede regardless of whether we want to win an argument. It’s about being selfless while making sure we are mutually giving our best to one another with love & respect. Disagreements have taught us to communicate more effectively and forgive. Most importantly, understanding that Christ must remain our rock and the Holy Spirit our guide. Our goal to have a happy and healthy marriage is not just priority to us but for the sake of our children and their children after them. I wanted to write 5 things that have made me crazy in love with you but I couldn’t just write 5, so here are 10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT YOU!
- You seek to always be guided by God in every decision. We have made numerous decisions these past 5 years and in each one of them I have been a witness of you seeking God’s guidance. Thank you for being a man of God.
- You make me feel gorgeous! Even now with my big ol’ belly! Through your words and actions I feel loved, wanted, and cared for. Thank you for making me feel like the most beautiful woman.
- You dream big! You set the bar high in our goals and lead me to dream bigger. Thank you for being a man of faith.
- There’s nothing too difficult for you. You never say no to a challenge. Thank you for being a conqueror.
- Easy to forgive. And may I add, easy to forget. Thank you for easily forgetting every time I’ve offended you with my words and actions.
- You never bring up the past. This is such an admirable quality that I believe women in general need to work on. Thank you for not looking back at our past mistakes.
- You never raise your voice. Something you taught me. I came from a big family so being loud (especially when we were upset) was in my nature, but you taught me that it’s disrespectful and unnecessary in order to get a point across. Thank you for speaking polite & respectful words to me.
- You are an amazing daddy to our babies. Thank you for giving your best and being their hero!
- You always look and smell your best for me. I know that made you blush LOL but it’s true. Thank you for that!
- You live up to your nickname: SUPERMAN which is why you seek to be the best in everything. Thank you for being competitive because it takes us to win, win, win!
I’d be lying if I said you are perfect but throughout the years your imperfections are being perfected and that continues to make us perfect for each other. How many times did I say “perfect”? Haha! Anyhow, these past 5 years have flown by! I know I constantly remind you of how blessed we are and how much I LOVE the stage we are in now as young parents of 4 little ones but it’s because I’m grateful to God for giving us this bigger-than-fairytale life. Our life wouldn’t be what it is if it wasn’t for you and me becoming one. I love you with all that I am and I live to serve you & make you the happiest, most blessed man on planet earth! Happy 5 years superman.