As a mom of 2 under 2, there are a few products I highly consider a MOMMY MUST-HAVE and without a shadow of a doubt, one of my all-time favorite products is… DRUM ROLLS… The Boppy Pillow! I initially scanned it on my baby registry because I thought it was only a breastfeeding pillow but in fact, it’s so much more. I’ve had my Boppy pillow since my firstborn son was born and am now using it with my baby girl from the moment she was born.
The no. 1 way I use my Boppy pillow is for breastfeeding. I use it everyday and night, just ask my husband. With both of my babies, I’ve had C-sections and I know breastfeeding can be a slight challenge but my Boppy pillow eased the hassle and I was able to nurse both of my babies comfortably from the moment they were born. I used it with my firstborn until almost his first birthday and am now using it to feed my baby girl.
There are times I don’t have to use my hands to feed her because the pillow supports her. I can pick up my hair without having to worry about stopping her from feeding and I can drink my bottle of water (which every breastfeeding mom knows water is always a need!) using both of my hands. If someone calls and if I must answer an important text, I can easily do it while nursing.
Also, I never have to slouch, hence it prevents back pain. It helps me maintain good posture while nursing.
If you are planning to breastfeed, you need this pillow. It’s the most comfortable way to breastfeed at home. If you bottle feed, you will use it to help feed your baby in the most comfy and cozy way.
Other ways you will use the Boppy Pillow are for:
- Propping. Babies love to see what’s going on in their surroundings and they tend to not like lying down all the time. Since your infant is unable to sit up, the Boppy pillow is the perfect support.
- Tummy-time. It’s important for babies to do tummy-time at least twice a day (that’s what my Dr. recommends). This pillow is the best for tummy-time. My daughter may not like tummy-time on flat surfaces, but she sure does enjoy it on her Boppy pillow.
- Sitting. When my son was learning to sit by himself (around 5-6 months) I always had the Boppy pillow around him to make sure he had a support. If he would fall back, I never worried because I knew the pillow would support him and he never hurt himself.
I tell all my new mom friends and mommies-to-be that the Boppy Pillow is a must-have and I highly recommend it. It will always be one of my personal favorite items for new moms. Check it out HERE.
Check out Caleb with his Boppy Pillow at 4 months HERE.
Disclosure: I have been given this Boppy Pillow as part of a paid product review for Boppy Company. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.