The first time I was pregnant, I had no idea until I missed my dear Aunt Flo. I was tracking her and realized she was a day late – in my case, I had never been late, so I figured something was either wrong with my body, or I was pregnant. I remember I told my newlywed husband of 4 months and we both stared at each other. Deep down inside I was a shocked, scared, and nervous wreck, while he on the contrary held his composure and was at ease. He told me, “Let’s find out, and if you are pregnant then great, and if you’re not then that’s fine too.” Unbeknownst to him, his words soothed me. We finally took the test, and it came back negative. Then, I began thinking something was wrong with me. I spoke to my sister who told me to wait a week to retake the test (if Aunt Flo still didn’t come). One week later, I got a positive!
If you think you may be pregnant, here are a few early indicators:
- Missed period
- Breast tenderness
- Sensitivity to certain smells
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Frequent urination
- Fatigue
If you missed Aunt Flo, here’s what you should do:
- Breathe. Know that everything will be fine regardless if you are pregnant or not. Being pregnant is a miracle. The world paint’s pregnancy and motherhood as a scary movie, however, with God by your side, you can view it all through a different lense, and that movie is transformed into joy.
- Take an over-the-counter pregnancy test. You can buy any brand from the pharmacy, supermarket, or even the dollar store ones. They all measure your HCG levels (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – often called the pregnancy hormone). I recommend buying 2 or 3 to retake in case you get a negative. The best time to take the test is in the morning – using your first urine of the day because it’s heavily concentrated with your bodily hormones.
- If it’s positive: Chances are, you are pregnant if you read the instructions and followed them correctly. Getting a false positive is extremely rare. If you want to make sure, retake another pregnancy test and if it’s a second positive then, CONGRATS! You are pregnant.
- If it’s negative and no period: Like me, you may get a false negative. There are a few reasons for a false negative. Sometimes, your body may not be producing high levels of HCG early on and that is OK, or you may have taken the test too early. Wait a week and retake the test if Flo is a no-show.
- Schedule an appointment with your OBGYN. Make sure you are medically insured. If you do not have medical insurance, you may qualify for medicaid. If you do not currently have an OBGYN, you can schedule an appointment at a free clinic HERE where they provide confidential Free Pregnancy Testing and Ultrasound at no charge regardless of your legal status.
- What you need to know at your first OBGYN visit:
- The first day of your last period
- Your medical history
- Medical insurance (see above part 3 if you do not have insurance)
- They’ll schedule to do blood work to confirm your pregnancy and a transvaginal ultrasound
- You may not hear the baby’s heartbeat just yet because it’s too early, although, sometimes it can be heard in the transvaginal ultrasound. Doctors may prefer to wait until you are 12 weeks pregnant.
- The doctor will schedule you for a follow-up visit once the results for your bloodwork and (if ordered) transvaginal ultrasound are in.
- Fear not. For God is with you! (Isaiah 41.10) Don’t be afraid. Everything is fine. The thought of being pregnant is nerve racking because you are entering uncharted territory. It’s OK to have a rush of emotions but know that if you are expecting, it’s because you are capable of becoming a new mommy and God will guide you and prepare you when the time comes.
Although having a baby is life-changing, a baby IS A BLESSING and ADDS BLESSINGS. I have seen it with my 3 babies and now with my 4th on the way. Get ready for the most rewarding stage of your life.