This post has been sponsored by Kellogg’s. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Children wake up ready to conquer the world with a full tank of energy and spunk. The first thing my 3 year old son Caleb Beau does is wake up his little sister and off he runs to the kitchen for his cup of water and his all-time favorite cereal Kellogg’s Froot Loops®. The other day, we didn’t realize he ate the last of the box, and had to change our typical daily routine to quickly get ready and head to our local Winn-Dixie to get his favorite cereal. (Click below to find your nearest Winn-Dixie) We ran to the cereal aisle which was easy to find off the hanging aisle signs and when we arrived, we noticed Kellogg’s is currently having a coupon special: Buy 3 cereal boxes and get $1 off (with a coupon). As low-tech parents who love to read to our children, we were happy to hear that they partnered with to give 1 free kid’s book for every Kellogg’s cereal box.
Find your nearest Winn-Dixie:Here’s how it works:
- BUY any Kellogg’s® participating product between 5/27/19 – 9/30/19
- TAKE a photo of your receipt(s) with qualifying purchases. Register at to upload your photo (Each receipt must be uploaded separately and within 30 days of purchase. Last date to upload is 10/30/19)
- GET credit to redeem for a book of your choice to keep or donate (Credits must be redeemed by 12/1/19. Limit 10 books per participant)

We bought 3 boxes of Kellogg’s cereals which included Froot Loops®, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes® (for mommy), Frosted Mini-Wheats® and called it a day. Then we headed back home and continued with our morning routine. I’ve enjoyed teaching Caleb pre-school material now and prepare a bunch of hands-on educational activities and recreational fun. He has such a hunger for learning more and more. Every morning after he eats his Froot Loops, he picks 3-5 books for me to read together and it’s wonderful to see how much his vocabulary is enriching. I can literally have a conversation with him as he uses words I never thought he knew. Then he plays with his sisters, runs around in our yard, and we go for a stroll. After our morning fun, he attempts to eat another bowl of Froot Loops for lunch but I remind him that mommy’s home-cooked lunch is almost ready. He then gives me his charming smile and says, “OK mama.”
I still can’t believe he’s already 3! You can imagine how this is pulling hard on my heartstrings especially since he’s my firstborn. They told me motherhood would be difficult but Caleb is the most well-behaved, kindest little boy that made me realize that this “hood” that gave me the sweetest title of all, is in fact the most fulfilling stage. Everyday that passes, I realize my boy is growing up and in the blink of an eye he will be starting school soon. (Excuse me as I wipe these bittersweet mama tears here) Until then, I am soaking up all these routine and spur of the moment mornings with my little fellow.