I have been asked by a few people how a day in the life of a wife and mama of 2 under 2 looks like. Prior to being a mom, I went to school and worked my whole life. When we got married, I worked FT all the way up until I was 37 weeks pregnant. Being a stay-at-home wife is something I could never do because I enjoy building myself professionally but being a stay-at-home wife and mom is an entirely different story! And with 2 babies, it is the busiest I have ever been in my life! This life tops being a FT student, FT employee working OT, FT youth and worship leader etc. It’s not just about being a mom but also taking care of my husband and making sure he gets a chunk of my care and attention also. That’s why I thank God for giving me wisdom, strength, and grace to get things done without going crazy. God has given be the ability to be organized with my time and have both of my babies on a schedule. Here’s a glimpse of our day:
- 7am Wake Up
- Breakfast for hubby and kiss goodbye
- Shower/Devotional time
- 8.30am Olivia wakes up – breastfeed
- 9am Olivia goes back to sleep (Olivia’s 1st nap)
- Devotional/Me time
- 9.30am Caleb wakes up
- Mommy and Caleb time
- Breakfast with Caleb
- Reading time (3-4 books)
- Play time (coloring, drums, building blocks, etc.)
- 11am Caleb’s bath time
- 11.30am Olivia wakes up – breastfeed
- Caleb & Olivia play while this mama cooks!
- 1.30pm Lunch time
- 2.30pm Caleb & Olivia’s nap time (Caleb’s only nap and Olivia’s 2nd & last nap)
- Mama is “FREE” (LOL not quite, since I try to squeeze as much as I can in these 2 hours)
- 4.30pm Olivia wakes up – breastfeed
- Mommy and Olivia time – play and read
- 5pm Caleb wakes up
- Play time
- 6pm Daddy’s home!!!
- Dinner time
- Family time
- 8.30pm Olivia’s bedtime
- Olivia’s bedtime routine (bath-time, breastfeeding, etc.)
- Daddy and Caleb time
- 9.30pm Caleb’s bedtime
- Mommy and Daddy time
- If my husband has soccer night, then it’s blog night for me!
- Clean up around the house
- Prep for tomorrow (iron, etc.)
- 11.30pm Ideally our bedtime
This is a typical day in our life but sometimes it may not go as planned and that is OK. If we go out during the day (I alone with the babies), I plan it according to Caleb’s nap time, meaning we’ll usually go out any time from 11am to 2.30pm. I try not to be out alone with them for more than 3 hours. In the evenings, we are highly involved in our church so there are times that their bedtime is shifted a little later. My days are not as tough because of their routine. Caleb is also the best big brother! He helps me put away his toys before bath-time and nap-time.
As a family, it’s also important to teach our babies to eat lunch together at the table, mommy with 2 high chairs. It’s usually one spoon for Caleb, one spoon for Olivia, and one spoon for mommy! It sounds funny but it’s true! At dinner time, we love to sit down together with my husband and the babies and my husband usually feeds Caleb while I feed Olivia.
If you are thinking about having babies back-to-back, I won’t sugarcoat it – it’s NOT easy, but God will guide you. Yes, I have mom nails (unpolished nails), I don’t have time to go to the salon, I hardly ever go shopping for myself, I sometimes have company while using the bathroom (one of the babies or both!) but I know that if I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! I have no super powers, I just trust in God who is faithful and never gives me more than I can bear.
Below are photos in my lovely PinkBlush Spring dress with my 2 under 2. (Floral Print Dress by ShopPinkBlush.com)
Disclosure: I have been gifted clothes by PinkBlush as part of being a brand ambassador. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.